Trust and Commitment in the Trucking Industry
In the trucking industry, you have to be able to trust who you work with. That is why the relationships with our trucking companies and customers are so important.
The Role of Technology
Technology is great but in some ways it has caused people to be farther apart and in less personal contact. Back in the day, you used to be able to make a call and know that someone would answer. Today, that isn’t always the case. However, at Nationwide, we are taking advantage of today’s technology to create transparency and give you the information you need at your fingertips! We’ve spent the last several years developing a cloud-based tracking system and database that will not only help us increase our capacity, but supply needed information to the customers we serve and the trucking companies that we supply trailers to.
Establishing Trust + Building Relationships
Beyond utilizing technology to be more open and transparent, we have to establish trust with our customers and trucking companies. We do this by building relationships and taking the time to get to know the trucking companies we work with and our customers. Trust runs both ways. Not only do we trust the trucking companies we use, but they trust us that if they have a breakdown, they are going to get reimbursed. Our customers also can trust that if there is a damage claim, we will do everything to make it right including getting all the documents signed and providing a fair estimate. Our company’s goal is not only to provide exceptional experience and service, but to meet every single one of our customers and vendors face to face to truly build our relationships and establish a high level of trust.

The bottom line: If we take care of our trucking companies and customers, they will take care of us! Nationwide is only as good as the customers it serves, the trucking companies that pull trailers for us, and the people who work for us.
Our Legacy
We have spent over 35 years forging relationships with all of our customers and vendors. Since Nationwide’s founding in 1984, customer service and dedication has been at the core of who we are! Our family-owned business is staffed by dedicated employees with incredible work ethic. Our whole team is up early and stays late so we can service everyone from coast to coast. We are committed to integrity, honesty and good old fashioned hard work.
Integrity and exceptional customer service are at the core of our company, but that trust isn’t built overnight. We work hard to earn your trust. We promise you that if something happens, we will work hard to make it right. We set our standards high and our goal is to make this company the best it can possibly be.